Source code for medium_api._publication

Publication Module
from functools import lru_cache
from datetime import datetime
from medium_api._user import User


class Newsletter:
    """Newsletter Class
    With `Newsletter` object, you can use the following properties and methods:


        - newsletter.save_info()

        `Newsletter` class is NOT intended to be used directly by importing.
        See :obj:`medium_api.medium.Medium.publication.newsletter`.

    def __init__(self, publication_id, get_resp, fetch_articles, fetch_users, fetch_publications, fetch_lists, save_info=False):
        self.publication_id = publication_id
        self.__get_resp = get_resp
        self.__fetch_articles = fetch_articles
        self.__fetch_users = fetch_users
        self.__fetch_publications = fetch_publications
        self.__fetch_lists = fetch_lists

        self.__info = None

        if save_info:
    def info(self):
        """To get the newsletter related information
            dict: A dictionary object containing `id, name, slug, subscribers,
            description, image_url, etc ...`
        if self.__info is None:
            resp, _ = self.__get_resp(f'/publication/{self.publication_id}/newsletter')
            self.__info = dict(resp)

        return self.__info

    def save_info(self):
        """Saves the information related to the publication

            Only after running ``newsletter.save_info()`` you can use the following

                - ````
                - ``newsletter.description``
                - ````
                - ``newsletter.subscribers``
                - ``newsletter.image_url``
                - ``newsletter.slug``
                - ``newsletter.creator``

        newsletter = = newsletter['id'] = newsletter['name']
        self.subscribers = newsletter['subscribers']
        self.slug = newsletter['slug']
        self.description = newsletter['description']
        self.image_url = newsletter['image']
        self.creator = User(user_id=newsletter['creator_id'], 

[docs] class Publication: """Publication Class With `Publication` object, you can use the following properties and methods: - publication._id - - publication.articles - publication.save_info() - publication.fetch_articles() Note: `Publication` class is NOT intended to be used directly by importing. See :obj:`medium_api.medium.Medium.publication`. """ def __init__(self, publication_id, get_resp, fetch_articles, fetch_users, fetch_publications, fetch_lists, save_info=False): self.publication_id = str(publication_id) self.__get_resp = get_resp self.__fetch_articles = fetch_articles self.__fetch_users = fetch_users self.__fetch_publications = fetch_publications self.__fetch_lists = fetch_lists = None self.description = None self.tagline = None self.followers = None self.slug = None self.tags = None self.creator = None self.editors = None self.domain = None self.twitter_username = None self.instagram_username = None self.facebook_pagename = None self.newsletter = Newsletter(publication_id=publication_id, get_resp = self.__get_resp, fetch_articles = self.__fetch_articles, fetch_users = self.__fetch_users, fetch_publications=self.__fetch_publications, fetch_lists=self.__fetch_lists, save_info=False) self.__info = None #self.__article_ids = None self.__articles = None if save_info: self.save_info() @property def _id(self): """To get the publication_id Returns: str: `publication_id` of the object. """ return self.publication_id @property def info(self): """To get the publication related information Returns: dict: A dictionary object containing `name, slug, followers, description, tagline, url, twitter_username, tags, etc ...` """ if self.__info is None: resp, _ = self.__get_resp(f'/publication/{self._id}') self.__info = dict(resp) return self.__info
[docs] def save_info(self): """Saves the information related to the publication Note: Only after running ``publication.save_info()`` you can use the following variables: - ```` - ``publication.description`` - ``publication.tagline`` - ``publication.followers`` - ``publication.slug`` - ``publication.tags`` - ``publication.domain`` - ``publication.creator`` - ``publication.editors`` - ``publication.twitter_username`` - ``publication.instagram_username`` - ``publication.facebook_pagename`` """ publication = = publication.get('name') self.description = publication.get('description') self.tagline = publication.get('tagline') self.followers = publication.get('followers') self.slug = publication.get('slug') self.tags = publication.get('tags') self.domain = publication.get('domain') self.twitter_username = publication.get('twitter_username') self.instagram_username = publication.get('instagram_username') self.facebook_pagename = publication.get('facebook_pagename') self.creator = User(user_id=publication['creator'], get_resp=self.__get_resp, fetch_articles=self.__fetch_articles, fetch_users=self.__fetch_users, fetch_publications=self.__fetch_publications, fetch_lists=self.__fetch_lists, save_info=False ) if publication.get('creator') else None self.editors = [User(user_id=editor_id, get_resp=self.__get_resp, fetch_articles=self.__fetch_articles, fetch_users=self.__fetch_users, fetch_publications=self.__fetch_publications, fetch_lists=self.__fetch_lists, save_info=False ) for editor_id in publication.get('editors') if editor_id] if is None: print(f"[ERROR]: Could not retrieve publication for the given id ({self.publication_id}). Please check if this publication exists.") print(f"[ERROR]: Link to unknown publication:{self.publication_id}")
[docs] def articles_from_ids(self, article_ids): """A generic function to get `Article` Objects from article_ids (list). Args: article_ids (list[str]): List of ``article_ids`` (string) Returns: list[Article]: Returns a list of Article Objects. """ from medium_api._article import Article return [Article( article_id=article_id, get_resp=self.__get_resp, fetch_articles=self.__fetch_articles, fetch_users = self.__fetch_users, fetch_publications=self.__fetch_publications, fetch_lists=self.__fetch_lists, ) for article_id in article_ids]
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=16) def get_articles_between(self, _from=None, _to=None, content=False, markdown=False, html=False, html_fullpage=True, html_style_file=SAMPLE_STYLE_FILE): """To get publication articles within a datetime range. Example usage: ``publication.get_articles_between(, - timedelta(days=15))`` Args: _from (datetime.datetime): Starting date of the interval _to (datetime.datetime): Ending date of the interval content (bool, optional): Set it to `True` if you want to fetch the textual content of the article as well. Otherwise, default is `False`. markdown(bool, optional): Set it to `True` if you want to fetch the markdown of the article as well. Otherwise, default is `False` html(bool, optional): Set it to `True` if you want to fetch the article in HTML format as well. Otherwise, default is `False` html_fullpage(bool, optional): Set it to `False` if you only want to fetch the HTML inside body tag of the article. Otherwise, default is `True`, which fetches the entire HTML of the article. Returns: list[Article]: Returns a list of Article Objects (publication articles). Note: - If the ``_to`` parameter is not provided, then the function will return recent 25 articles from the given date (in ``_from`` parameter) - If the ``_from`` parameter is not provided, then the function will take current datetime value (````) - If both the parameters, ``_from`` and ``_to``, are not provided, then the function will return top recent 25 articles from the current datetime. """ if _from is None: _from = if _from and _to: if _to < _from: resp,_ = self.__get_resp(f'/publication/{self._id}/articles?from={_from.isoformat()}') articles = self.articles_from_ids(resp['publication_articles'][::-1]) next_to = datetime.strptime(resp['to'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') while next_to > _to: resp,_ = self.__get_resp(f'/publication/{self._id}/articles?from={next_to.isoformat()}') articles += self.articles_from_ids(resp['publication_articles'][::-1]) next_to = datetime.strptime(resp['to'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') self.__fetch_articles( articles, content=content, markdown=markdown, html=html, html_fullpage=html_fullpage, html_style_file=html_style_file ) self.__articles = [article for article in articles if (_to <= article.published_at <= _from)] else: print('[ERROR]: "from" date should be greater than "to" date. Try swapping both.') return [] else: resp,_ = self.__get_resp(f'/publication/{self._id}/articles?from={_from.isoformat()}') self.__articles = self.articles_from_ids(resp['publication_articles']) self.__fetch_articles( self.__articles, content=content, markdown=markdown, html=html, html_fullpage=html_fullpage, html_style_file=html_style_file ) return self.__articles
@property def articles(self): """Returns top recent 25 articles Typical Example Usage: ``publication.articles[0].title`` ``publication.articles[1].author`` Returns: list[Article]: Returns a list of Article Objects """ if self.__articles is None: self.__articles = self.get_articles_between() return self.__articles def __repr__(self): return f"<Publication: {self.publication_id}>"