Source code for medium_api._topfeeds

topfeeds module containing `TopFeeds` class.


[docs] class TopFeeds: """TopFeeds Class With `TopFeeds` object, you can use the following properties and methods: - topfeeds.ids - topfeeds.articles - topfeeds.fetch_articles() Note: `TopFeeds` class is NOT intended to be used directly by importing. See :obj:`medium_api.medium.Medium.topfeeds`. """ def __init__(self, tag, mode, get_resp, fetch_articles, fetch_users, fetch_publications, fetch_lists): self.tag = str(tag) self.mode = str(mode) self.__get_resp = get_resp self.__fetch_articles = fetch_articles self.__fetch_users = fetch_users self.__fetch_publications = fetch_publications self.__fetch_lists = fetch_lists self.__ids = None self.__articles = None @property def ids(self): """To get a list of topfeeds `article_ids` Returns: list[str]: A list of `article_ids` (str) from the topfeeds for the given `tag` and `mode`. """ if self.__ids is None: resp, _ = self.__get_resp(f'/topfeeds/{self.tag}/{self.mode}') self.__ids = list(resp['topfeeds']) return self.__ids @property def articles(self): """To get a list of topfeeds `Article` objects Returns: list[Article]: A list of `Article` objects from the topfeeds for the given `tag` and `mode`. """ from medium_api._article import Article if self.__articles is None: self.__articles = [Article(article_id=article_id, get_resp=self.__get_resp, fetch_articles=self.__fetch_articles, fetch_users=self.__fetch_users, fetch_publications=self.__fetch_publications, fetch_lists=self.__fetch_lists, save_info=False) for article_id in self.ids] return self.__articles
[docs] def fetch_articles(self, content=False, markdown=False, html=False, html_fullpage=True, html_style_file=SAMPLE_STYLE_FILE): """To fetch all the topfeeds articles information (multithreading) Args: content (bool, optional): Set it to `True` if you want to fetch the textual content of the article as well. Otherwise, default is `False`. markdown(bool, optional): Set it to `True` if you want to fetch the markdown of the article as well. Otherwise, default is `False` html(bool, optional): Set it to `True` if you want to fetch the article in HTML format as well. Otherwise, default is `False` html_fullpage(bool, optional): Set it to `False` if you only want to fetch the HTML inside body tag of the article. Otherwise, default is `True`, which fetches the entire HTML of the article. Returns: None: All the fetched information will be access via topfeeds.articles. ``topfeeds.articles[0].title`` ``topfeeds.articles[1].claps`` """ self.__fetch_articles( self.articles, content=content, markdown=markdown, html=html, html_fullpage=html_fullpage, html_style_file = html_style_file )
def __repr__(self): return f'<TopFeeds: {self.tag} - {self.mode}>'