Source code for medium_api._user

Users Module
from datetime import datetime

[docs]class User: """User Class With `User` object, you can use the following properties and methods: - user._id - - user.article_ids - user.articles - user.top_article_ids - user.top_articles - user.following_ids - user.following - user.followers_ids - user.followers - user.articles_as_json - user.save_info() - user.fetch_articles() - user.fetch_top_articles() Note: `User` class is NOT intended to be used directly by importing. See :obj:`medium_api.medium.Medium.user`. """ def __init__(self, user_id, get_resp, fetch_articles, save_info=False): self.user_id = user_id self.__get_resp = get_resp self.__fetch_articles = fetch_articles self.__info = None self.__articles = None self.__article_ids = None self.__top_articles = None self.__top_article_ids = None self.__following_ids = None self.__following = None self.__followers_ids = None self.__followers = None self.fullname = None self.username = None self.followers_count = None self.following_count = None = None self.twitter_username = None self.is_writer_program_enrolled = None self.is_suspended = None self.medium_member_at = None self.allow_notes = None self.image_url = None if save_info: self.save_info() @property def _id(self): """To get the user_id Returns: str: `user_id` of the object. """ return str(self.user_id) @property def info(self): """To get the user related information Returns: dict: A dictionary object containing `fullname, username, followers, bio, twitter_username, image_url, etc ...` """ if self.__info is None: resp, _ = self.__get_resp(f'/user/{self._id}') self.__info = dict(resp) return self.__info @property def article_ids(self): """To get a full list of article_ids Returns: list[str]: A list of `article_ids` (str) written by the user """ if self.__article_ids is None: resp, _ = self.__get_resp(f'/user/{self._id}/articles') self.__article_ids = list(resp['associated_articles']) return self.__article_ids @property def top_article_ids(self): """To get a list of top 10 article_ids Returns: list[str]: A list of `article_ids` (str) of the top 10 posts on the user's profile. (Usually, in chronological order) """ if self.__top_article_ids is None: resp, _ = self.__get_resp(f'/user/{self._id}/top_articles') self.__top_article_ids = list(resp['top_articles']) return self.__top_article_ids @property def following_ids(self): """To get a list of `user_ids` of user's followings Returns: list[str]: A list of `user_ids` (str) of the user's followings. """ if self.__following_ids is None: resp, _ = self.__get_resp(f'/user/{self._id}/following') self.__following_ids = list(resp['following']) return self.__following_ids @property def followers_ids(self): """To get a list of `user_ids` of user's followers Returns: list[str]: A list of `user_ids` (str) of the user's followers. """ if self.__followers_ids is None: resp, _ = self.__get_resp(f'/user/{self._id}/followers') self.__followers_ids = list(resp['followers']) return self.__followers_ids @property def following(self): """To get a full list of following User objects Returns: list[User]: A list of `User` objects followed by the given user """ if self.__following is None: self.__following = [User( user_id = user_id, get_resp = self.__get_resp, fetch_articles = self.__fetch_articles, save_info = False ) for user_id in self.following_ids] return self.__following @property def followers(self): """To get a full list of followers User objects Returns: list[User]: A list of `User` objects of followers """ if self.__followers is None: self.__followers = [User( user_id = user_id, get_resp = self.__get_resp, fetch_articles = self.__fetch_articles, save_info = False ) for user_id in self.followers_ids] return self.__followers @property def articles(self): """To get a full list of user-written Article objects Returns: list[Article]: A list of `Article` objects written by the user """ from medium_api._article import Article if self.__articles is None: self.__articles = [Article(i, get_resp = self.__get_resp, fetch_articles=self.__fetch_articles, save_info=False) for i in self.article_ids] return self.__articles @property def top_articles(self): """To get a list of top 10 articles Returns: list[Article]: A list of `Article` objects of the top 10 posts on the user's profile. (Usually, in chronological order) """ from medium_api._article import Article if self.__top_articles is None: self.__top_articles = [Article(i, get_resp = self.__get_resp, fetch_articles=self.__fetch_articles, save_info=False) for i in self.top_article_ids] return self.__top_articles @property def articles_as_json(self): """To get a list of JSON objects containing user info Returns: list[dict]: A list of JSON objects containing information related to all the posts on the user's profile. """ return [post.json for post in self.articles]
[docs] def save_info(self): """Saves the information related to the user Note: Only after running ``user.save_info()`` you can use the following variables: - ``user.fullname`` - ``user.username`` - ``user.followers_count`` - ``user.following_count`` - ```` - ``user.twitter_username`` - ``user.is_writer_program_enrolled`` - ``user.is_suspended`` - ``user.allow_notes`` - ``user.medium_member_at`` - ``user.image_url`` """ user = self.fullname = user['fullname'] self.username = user['username'] self.followers_count = user['followers_count'] self.following_count = user['following_count'] = user['bio'] self.twitter_username = user['twitter_username'] self.is_writer_program_enrolled = user["is_writer_program_enrolled"] self.image_url = user['image_url'] self.is_suspended = user['is_suspended'] self.allow_notes = user['allow_notes'] self.medium_member_at = datetime.strptime(user['medium_member_at'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if user['medium_member_at']!='' else None
[docs] def fetch_articles(self, content=False): """To fetch all the user-written articles information and content Args: content (bool, optional): Set it to `True` if you want to fetch the textual content of the article as well. Otherwise, default is `False`. Returns: None: All the fetched information will be access via `user.articles`. ``user.articles[0].title`` ``user.articles[1].claps`` """ self.__fetch_articles(self.articles, content=content)
[docs] def fetch_top_articles(self, content=False): """To fetch top 10 user-written top articles information and content Args: content (bool, optional): Set it to `True` if you want to fetch the textual content of the article as well. Otherwise, default is `False`. Returns: None: All the fetched information will be access via `user.articles`. ``user.top_articles[0].title`` ``user.top_articles[1].claps`` """ self.__fetch_articles(self.top_articles, content=content)