Source code for medium_api.medium

It's the interface module of the package. Developers will start
interacting with the API/package using `Medium` Class object via 
different functions provided in it.

import time
import re
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from http.client import HTTPSConnection
from ujson import loads
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed

from medium_api._topfeeds import TopFeeds
from medium_api._user import User
from medium_api._article import Article
from medium_api._publication import Publication
from medium_api._top_writers import TopWriters
from medium_api._latestposts import LatestPosts

[docs]class Medium: """Main Medium API Class to access everything Typical usage example: ``from medium_api import Medium`` ``medium = Medium('YOUR_RAPIDAPI_KEY')`` Args: rapidapi_key (str): A secret alphanumeric string value. To get your RapidAPI key, please go to the following URL, register an account and subscribe to Medium API (by Nishu Jain). base_url (str, optional): It's the base URL of the API that is used by all the other endpoints. Currently, it is set to the RapidAPI's domain ( May change in the future according to where it's listed. calls (int, optional): It's an integer value for keeping track of all the API calls made by the Medium Class Object. Initially, it is set to 0. At the end of program, you can see the number of calls like this: ``print(medium.calls)`` Returns: Medium: A `Medium` Class Object for the given *RAPIDAPI_KEY*. It can be used to access all the other functions such as: `user`, `article`, `publication`, `topfeeds`, `top_writers`, etc ... Note: See to learn more about RapidAPI keys. """ def __init__(self, rapidapi_key, base_url='', calls=0): self.headers = { 'X-RapidAPI-Key': rapidapi_key } self.base_url = base_url self.calls = calls def __get_resp(self, endpoint, retries=0): conn = HTTPSConnection(self.base_url) conn.request('GET', endpoint, headers=self.headers) resp = conn.getresponse() data = status = resp.status if status == 200: self.calls += 1 json_data = loads(data) if not 'error' in json_data.keys(): return json_data, status else: if retries < 3: time.sleep(5) return self.__get_resp(endpoint=endpoint, retries=retries+1) else: print(f'[ERROR]: Response: {json_data}') return {}, status else: print(f'[ERROR]: Status Code: {status}') print(f'[ERROR]: Response: {data}') return {}, status
[docs] def user(self, username=None, user_id=None, save_info=True): """For getting the Medium User Object Typical usage example: ``nishu = medium.user(username="nishu-jain")`` Args: username (str, optional): It's your unique Medium username that you can find in the subdomain or at the end of the profile page URL as shown below. - ``username`` - ``username`` It's optional only if you've already provided the `user_id`. user_id (str, optional): It's your unique alphanumeric Medium ID that cannot be changed. The User object is initialized using this only. It's optional only if you've already provided the `username`. save_info (bool, optional): If `False`, creates an empty `User` object which needs to be filled using ``user.save_info()`` method later. (Default is `True`) Returns: User: Medium API's User Object (medium_api.user.User) that can be used to access all the properties and methods associated to the given Medium user. Note: You have to provide either `username` or `user_id` to get the User object. You cannot omit both. """ if user_id is not None: return User(user_id = user_id, get_resp = self.__get_resp, fetch_articles=self.fetch_articles, save_info = save_info) elif username is not None: resp, _ = self.__get_resp(f'/user/id_for/{str(username)}') user_id = resp['id'] return User(user_id = user_id, get_resp = self.__get_resp, fetch_articles=self.fetch_articles, save_info = save_info) else: print('Missing parameter: Please provide "user_id" or "username" to call the function') return None
[docs] def article(self, article_id, save_info=True): """For getting the Medium Article Object Typical usage example: ``article = medium.article(article_id = "562c5821b5f0")`` Args: article_id (str): It's the unique hash at the end of every Medium Article. You can see it at the end of URL as shown below: - save_info (bool, optional): If `False`, creates an empty `Article` object which needs to be filled using ``article.save_info()`` method later. (Default is `True`) Returns: Article: Medium API `Article` Object (medium_api.article.Article) that can be used to access all the properties and methods related to a Medium Article. """ return Article(article_id = article_id, get_resp = self.__get_resp, fetch_articles=self.fetch_articles, save_info = save_info)
[docs] def publication(self, publication_id, save_info=True): """For getting the Medium Publication Object Typical usage example: ``publication = medium.publication(publication_id = "98111c9905da")`` Args: publication_id (str): It's the unique hash id of a Medium Publication. save_info (bool, optional): If `False`, creates an empty `Publication` object which needs to be filled using ``publication.save_info()`` method later. (Default is `True`) Returns: Publication: Medium API `Publication` Object (medium_api.publication.Publication) that can be used to access all the properties and methods related to a Medium Publication. """ return Publication(publication_id = publication_id, get_resp=self.__get_resp, fetch_articles=self.fetch_articles, save_info=save_info)
[docs] def top_writers(self, topic_slug): """For getting the Medium's TopWriters Object Typical usage example: ``top_writers = medium.top_writers(topic_slug = "artificial-intelligence")`` Args: topic_slug (str): It's a string (smallcase, hyphen-separated) which specifies a category/niche as classified by the Medium Platform. Returns: TopWriters: Medium API `TopWriters` Object (medium_api.top_writers.TopWriters) that can be used to access all the properties and methods related to Medium's Top Writers for the give `topic_slug`. """ return TopWriters(topic_slug=topic_slug, get_resp=self.__get_resp, fetch_users=self.fetch_users, fetch_articles=self.fetch_articles)
[docs] def latestposts(self, topic_slug): """For getting the Medium's LatestPosts Object Typical usage example: ``latestposts = medium.latestposts(topic_slug = "artificial-intelligence")`` Args: topic_slug (str): It's a string (smallcase, hyphen-separated) which specifies a category/niche as classified by the Medium Platform. Returns: LatestPosts: Medium API `LatestPosts` Object (medium_api.latestposts.LatestPosts) that can be used to access all the properties and methods related to Medium's LatestPosts within the given topic. """ return LatestPosts(topic_slug=topic_slug, get_resp=self.__get_resp, fetch_articles=self.fetch_articles)
[docs] def topfeeds(self, tag, mode): """For getting the Medium's TopFeeds Object Typical usage example: ``topfeeds = medium.topfeeds(tag="blockchain", mode="new")`` Args: tag (str): It's a string (smallcase, hyphen-separated) which specifies a category/niche as classified by the Medium Platform. mode (str): There are 6 modes as follows: - ``hot``: For getting trending articles - ``new``: For getting latest articles - ``top_year``: For getting best articles of the year - ``top_month``: For getting best articles of the month - ``top_week``: For getting best articles of the week - ``top_all_time``: For getting best article of all time Returns: TopFeeds: Medium API `TopFeeds` Object (medium_api.topfeeds.TopFeeds) that can be used to access all the properties and methods, for given `tag` and `mode`. """ return TopFeeds(tag=tag, mode=mode, get_resp=self.__get_resp, fetch_articles=self.fetch_articles)
[docs] def fetch_articles(self, articles, content=False): """To quickly fetch articles (info and content) using multithreading Typical usage example: ``medium.fetch_articles(latestposts.articles)`` ``medium.fetch_articles(user.articles)`` ``medium.fetch_articles(list_of_articles_obj)`` Args: articles (list[Article]): List of (empty) Article objects to fill information (and content) into it. content(bool, optional): Set it to `True` if you want to fetch the content of the article as well. Otherwise, default is `False` Returns: None: This method doesn't return anything since it fills the values in the passed list of Article(s) objects itself. """ with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=100) as executor: future_to_url = [executor.submit(article.save_info) for article in articles if article.title is None] if content: future_to_url += [executor.submit(article.save_content) for article in articles] for future in as_completed(future_to_url): future.result()
[docs] def fetch_users(self, users): """To quickly fetch users info using multithreading Typical usage example: ``medium.fetch_users(top_writers.users)`` ``medium.fetch_users(list_of_users_obj)`` Args: users (list[User]): List of (empty) User objects to fill information into it. Returns: None: This method doesn't return anything since it fills the values into the passed list of User(s) objects itself. """ with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=100) as executor: future_to_url = (executor.submit(user.save_info) for user in users if user.fullname is None) for future in as_completed(future_to_url): future.result()
[docs] def get_article_id(self, article_url): """To get `article_id` from the Article's URL Usage example: ``article_id = medium.get_article_id("")`` Args: article_url (str): URL as string type Returns: str: Returns `article_id` as string for valid URL, else returns `None`. """ regex = r'(https?://[^\s]+)' urls = re.findall(regex, article_url) if urls: urlpath = urlparse(urls[0]).path if urlpath: last_location = urlpath.split('/')[-1] article_id = last_location.split('-')[-1] if article_id.isalnum(): return article_id return None